Over the last few years, many have ask me to share personal insight on what, I believe, the Holy Spirit is saying about the upcoming year. Each time I’ve been asked, I declined to give any input because the Lord is Sovereign; therefore, He can speak anytime He chooses. He is not moved to speak simply because the calendar or the year changes.
“Prophets” and those who go around proclaiming the “word of the Lord”, based on the number of the year that we are entering, are in gross error and needs to be warned about the danger of taking the Lord’s name in vain. Their superficial and carnal words are spoken from the spirit of man and not from the heart of God.
If you recall, every decade the same words (with a different twist) repeat themselves. Consider the “prophetic words” that rhyme with the year. For example, in 2008, “the Lord said it’s going to be great”; in 2009, “the Lord said you are coming alive”; or in 2010, “the Lord said you are going to win”.
Now in 2011… (You get the point!)
All of this is really nothing more than a different version of new age cold reading which has nothing to do with the Spirit of God.
Do I believe the Holy Spirit still speaks today? Yes! I also believe that we should not only have an ear to hear what He says, but we also have a responsibility to clearly and truthfully communicate what the Holy Spirit is saying.
Now, there are some things that the Holy Spirit has been placing on my heart recently that I believe He wants me to share with the body of Christ.
We are still in a time when God is breaking His silence – as mentioned in my book Shepherds, Hirelings, and Dictators: How to Recognize the Difference. So we will continue to see the Lord bring to the light those things that have been practiced for years in the dark. We are also moving into a period that I call, “the season of hard truth”. During this season, the Holy Spirit will begin to uncover and re-establish biblical truths that have been “hidden” and distorted by the misinterpretation of Scriptures.
The Holy Spirit will resurrect “hard truth” subjects like true biblical salvation, biblical love, slaves of Christ, true meaning of grace, denying self, and the Lordship of Christ. Many will find out that what they’ve been taught for years has been unsound and only half-truths. As a result, they will experience great pain and shame, but, in time, the Lord will bring healing and restoration, if they surrender to His truth. Sadly, though, not all will be restored. Others will fall away because they have a breach in their hearts, and have allowed the enemy to convince them that doing what pleases them is the medicine for their souls.
The great falling away is upon us. Those who were faithful and devoted to the Lord will begin to drift back into the love and care of this world. For it is by this heartbreaking sign that you will know that the return of our Lord is near.
by Pastor Tavares Robinson
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