Hostility Within

By Tavares D. Robinson

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, America’s sense of safety and trust was challenged on multiple levels. People faced the unknown of a new virus, restrictions to long-accepted freedoms, and rising death tolls. Conflicting voices from the medical field, politicians, mass and social media, and the church caused chaos. Judgment fell no matter what position one took. A perfect storm of division and distrust brewed as other social upheavals, particularly racial tensions, added to the mix.

In the church, you might be accused of living in fear if you wore a mask. If a pastor left church doors open during a shutdown, he might face criminal repercussions. Church attendance dwindled in the wake of it all, and some once ardent believers—both laypeople and leaders—have walked away. While church doors have reopened, the arguments have not ceased.

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Hostility Within

About Tavares

TAVARES ROBINSON is the founder and senior pastor of Sound the Trumpet Ministries of Miami, located in Miami, Florida, and serves as publisher of The Trumpet Magazine. He also serves as president of Watchman Publishing, which launched in 2018. He received a bachelor’s degree in broadcast communications from Ottawa University, in Ottawa, Kansas. While at Ottawa University, he was a three starter for the men’s basketball program, and he is currently recognized among others, for setting various school records.

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